Sunday, October 20, 2013

Is there such a thing as a Diabetic Alligator?

It was an overcast day with some light rain which made it a bit cold but this was swamp tour day. The large airboats travel at about 30knots which is fast enough considering the rain stinging your face. The airboats have V8 motors and man are they loud!! They supply earmuffs but once you're travelling at high speed you have to hold them on. All of the alligators in the swamp are probably deaf by now.

Our guide George was a local who confessed he swam in gator infested waters when he was young. As he only had 3 fingers on one hand we believed him (just kidding, he had all his fingers...and surprisingly appeared to have all of his teeth).

We only saw one 8 foot gator which the guide fed marshmallows too as encouragement to come over to the boat. Apparently gators are colourblind which is why they can see white marshmallows easier. I hope there's no such thing as Alligator diabetes because if there is, the gators in this swamp are going to end up with it. Perhaps that's the reason they can't see very well now?

George also brought a small (2 year old gator) with him that he passed around for show and tell. He kept it in an esky. He had another esky for drinks. Hope he doesn't make a mistake and absentmindedly just reach in to an esky one day...

The white spot on his head is a marshmallow.
Houses along the bayou. There were a number of shrimpin' boats too.

1 comment:

  1. Hey David - loved the photos. Will definitely put Miami on my To Visit list. The only corner of the States I haven't made it to yet. Karen
