Friday, October 31, 2014


Boston is significantly colder than Washington and doesn't look like getting any better before I leave. In fact, Saturday will be a low of 0, which I'm sure anyone from Canberra will understand. After a day of sitting I walked up to Newbury Street to get a coffee, a drink and dinner. Going completely against the run of luck 'coffee-wise' in this country, it was good! 

Newbury Street in Boston is a little like Rodeo Drive. The Boston Common end has all the 'labels' but as you walk towards the Back Bay end, it transitions into more eclectic, hipper shops.

Awesome bookshop which actually made a decent coffee. Their wifi sucked though.

I forget how many times I got weird looks because I only wanted my coffee in a small cup. 'What? You don't want a mug? But you can't get much in that itty bitty cup!'

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